Brown Recluse Spiders in Arkansas

Brown Recluse Spiders in Arkansas

Brown Recluse Spiders in Arkansas Reportedly, only about 3-15% of the United States population has arachnophobia– but it does seem like fear of spiders is much more common than that. Fear of spiders might be a biological thing; it’s theorized that we’ve evolved with a...
What attracts raccoons to my house?

What attracts raccoons to my house?

What attracts raccoons to my house? Have you ever seen that video of the raccoon preparing to eat some cotton candy? He dips it into a puddle to clean it off before consuming it, and is visibly confused when the sugar dissolves in the water and disappears. It’s pretty...
Why do pests invade homes when it’s raining?

Why do pests invade homes when it’s raining?

Why do pests invade homes when it’s raining? Insects can be present in the home at any time of the year, with different climates and conditions attracting different types of pests. But you may have noticed increased insect activity during rainy weather. Is there a...
Ant Hills and What To Do With Them

Ant Hills and What To Do With Them

Ant Hills and What To Do With Them Ant hills are a surefire sign of summertime. In fact, if you were asked to name a public park or local backyard where you’ve never seen a single anthill, you’d probably have a hard time coming up with any! Chances are good that you...
How to Avoid a Confrontation with a Scorpion

How to Avoid a Confrontation with a Scorpion

How to Avoid a Confrontation with a Scorpion Scorpions are undeniably scary– they’re pretty big and their stings contain venom that causes a painful reaction in humans. Although most scorpion species are more of a nuisance than a true danger, there is one type of...