Are Clogged Gutters Causing Your Pest Problems?

Are Clogged Gutters Causing Your Pest Problems? Gutters. Most homes have them installed and many can agree that they are a headache to properly maintain. What most people don’t understand is that cleaning out your gutters is about more than checking a task off your...

Could an Early Spring Mean More Pests?

Could an Early Spring Mean More Pests? This is a tricky question. While there are many invasive pests out there that don’t do too well when the cold winter temperatures arrive, many insects have no problem. In fact, many of the pests that pose problems in the summer...

Mice…Not Welcome Here!

Mice…Not Welcome Here! As the weather cools in the next few months, and the grain has been scavenged from the field, our furry little friends find their way into our homes. These insidious tiny creatures are desperate for food and warmth as the winter days...

How to Fight Ticks This Summer

How to Fight Ticks This Summer Summer is definitely here.  Along with longer days, gardening, hiking, camping, or just enjoying the great outdoors, come ticks. Whether it’s your furry friend bringing them into your house, or you taking a seat on the grass at the...

Don’t Fear the Fleas!

Don’t Fear the Fleas! The flea. An annoying, jumping, creepy parasite that can become a recurring nuisance to not just your furry family, but your human family as well! The most common type of flea is the cat flea. Cat fleas do not just dine on cats. These fleas...